Update 61.14 - Reset ability

  • New ability: Reset, restores target to it's original state.
  • New ability: Remove key abilities, removes abilities such as Charge and Poisoned.
  • Removed '=' from set popup text, could be confused with '-'.
  • Paralyzed is now removed at end of turn instead. (it works with 1)
  • Paralyze and Poisonous default value is now 1.
  • Paralyze and Poisonous are now stackable.
  • 'Enemy discards 2 top cards from deck' top word is now optional.
  • Added entry about auras and on abilities to manual.
  • Added entry about auras and on abilities to manual.
  • Fix 'Summon a random <stat> minion' not respecting 'usable in random' checkbox.
  • Fix 'Summon a random <stat> minion' not always working correctly.
  • Fix error that could occur when saving.
  • Fix issue where discard would only discard more than 1.
  • Fix issue with renaming in editor.
  • Fix issue with Create Game.
  • Fix issue with remove.
  • Fix issue with aura.
  • Fix issue with sim AI.


cardbattlesimulator-windows.zip 385 MB
Version May 22, 2024

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